35 032,05 грн.

  • Производитель: Axis Communications
  • Артикул: 01796-001
  • Наличие: Под заказ
Код товара: 83908


AXIS C1310-E Network Horn Speaker is perfect for outdoor environments in most climates. The speaker is a complete audio system in a single unit. It connects to the standard existing network so there is no need for a separate audio network. Further it is simple to install with PoE for both power and connectivity. AXIS C1310-E allows users to remotely It allows users to remotely warn off intruders before they commit a crime, to deliver instructions during an emergency or to make general voice messages. Built-in memory supports pre-recorded messages, or security personal can respond to notifications with live speak. Digital signal processing (DSP) ensures clear sound. Open standards support easy integration with network video, access control, analytics, and VoIP (supporting SIP). AXIS C1310-E is a standalone unit that can be placed anywhere, which supports a flexible, scalable and cost-effective approach to system design.

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